Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Here we go Cubbies!

So the countdown is on...
5 days until Cubs 1st game on Monday(Away)
9 days until home opener against the Cardnials!
Luckily I just scored tickets...WAHOO!!!
See ya at the Ballgame!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

DK Pics Finally!

ABOVE: Okay so I am not sure why this pic is so small but Jim is in the black shirt next to me in the red shirt right at the front of the stage.

BELOW: So if you look at the back of Ken Casey's head Jim and I are just to the left in the crowd.

ABOVE: This is a great pic...Jim and I are front and center with a guy stage diving right over us!

BELOW: Jim and I trying to sing into the mic center right of the pic.

ABOVE: This pic shows how packed it was...we are in the bottom left of the pic. Just slightly squished!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Day After

Well...What a day yesterday was! We started at 9am and I made it through until about 11pm. Not to shabby. When I have some more brain cells working at capacity I'll try to update the events of the day!


Friday, March 17, 2006

Green Patty's for all my Friends!

Okay so it's St. Pat's Day...and I am waiting for my friends to pick me up so I can be downtown all day without a car! Yeah for the BIG GREEN IRISH DAY! I promise to update on the Dropkicks show ...I'll just say it was Kick ASS! They actually did an encore?! I know... the Dropkicks...encore...crazy. So I will be downtown all day if any are interested in meeting us! I have actually kissed the Blarney stone...although I have to admit I think more people piss on it than kiss it but oh well) The luck is running through my veins!

P.S. I am sure I will have more pics to put on from Dropkicks show...once they post them so will I

Sunday, March 12, 2006

1 More day

So tomorrow is the Dropkick's show. I am so excited...we went to recovery room after dinner last night and I put $10 in the Jukebox. I played as many Dropkicks songs as they had and I even payed extra so I could hear all my songs next! Don't you love when money does get you what you want! Stay tuned for the update on the show! I must go figure out what I am going to wear...Oh I am such a girl!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Pics from Dropkick Concerts

Above: So Jim is in the far left bottom corner...right in front of the bouncer. this concert was at the Vic in Chicago Nov 05. Opening band Big D and the KidsTable

Bottom: This pic has me in the far right bottom corner...just my little head but at least I made the pic. This concert was in Milwaukee at The Rave in October 05. This is the Infamous concert I passed out at! Opening was Gang Green...and Dark Buster .

Revving up for St. Pat's

I CAN'T wait for Monday which for me is the official kick off for the St. Patrick day Week! Off to St. Louis for the Dropkick Murphy's Show at Mississippi Nights. Opening for them are Horror Pops and The Tossers from Chicago. We are leaving early so we can be in line pretty early. I am making sure I don't drink much on Sunday or Monday to keep from having to live up to the name on the blog! The crap part is having to drive home after the concert but we all have to work on Tuesday! If we could all just win the lottery Life would be sweet! Work all day and then WAHOO it's St. Pats Day on Friday! Hoping to get to bed early on Thursday Night cause I need to get up early on Friday to enjoy the Day!
Updates later on the on going week!

Love and other indoor sport scoring terms!