Friday, September 29, 2006

pics from NYC

This pic is with our friends from Ireland who were also partying on a Tuesday night at Iggy's. Crazy enough the guy in the blue stripped shirt is named Iggy!
Here we are with Phil our Karaoke buddy!

Back to the land of Living!

Okay so we got back to Peoria from the big ole NYC! I was extremely exhausted when Roxy dropped me off! Let's just say my legs felt like melted Jello. Yeah I know that is technically water but you know what I mean. I have so much crap to catch up on that I can't believe I haven't drowned in it all yet!
I have so many stories from NYC! Truth or dare karaoke at Iggy's. Our hotel being surrounded by CIA, FBI, BOMB sniffing dogs, and as many NYPD that you could possible imagine! So I hope to be able to fill ya all in when I get a chance! we are going to see Social Distortion this weekend at the HOB in Chicago and then the ever uneventful Cubs game against the Rockies!
So I'll see ya on the flip side!

Friday, September 08, 2006

BB Boring Finale!

Well it came down to the Final 2...I can't believe Janelle didn't make it. The last 2 challenges were set for her! She blew it on the mountain by accidentally letting go and then she had a had time on the fly by night. So it is Erica and Boogie....Pathetic...Who even cares if these 2 win. Boring boring boring end to all stars BB! Well of course I am still going to watch the end...I'm not an idiot...Well I guess slightly since I watch the stupid show to begin with! Won't everybody be happy hen BB is over and I quit blogging about it!

Friday, September 01, 2006

BB Final Four Already!

Okay so last nights BB went down as expected...Dani left...GOOD!
Then of course in normal BB fashion it was a day no one would expect... Says robotic Julie Chen...DUN DUN DUN!
So HOH was right away...Janelle won again(She's a freakin' machine)
She had to put up her nominations right away...well of course she had enough time to talk to Will the Puppetmaster ...who of course talked her into putting up George and Erica. Then the POV competition...It actually was really close between Erica and Will...suprisingly I couldn't understand Will trying to win it except trying to get rid of Erica. He throws every contest... he never wants to win...So he lost by seriously a hair. Erica took herself off and Janelle put up Mike Boogie in her place. Of course Erica and Will voted to keep Mike and they sent nice ole Chicken George packing...Strange enough when he was out talking to Julie Chen they mentioned some fried Chicken for him since he has been eating BB Slop(AKA oatmeal!) for like ever! So they bring him some KFC chicken and Colonel Sanders delivers it too I thought He was dead so this could of been a very old impersonator but it was a very strange thing...Juliw Chens like we have a surprise guest for you are expecting his wife or kids even though he is going to the sequester house...but his surprise guest was the old fat man in a white suit with a bucket of Chicken....Freakin Weird!

Check ya Chicken!