Friday, March 30, 2007

Baby mania!!!

Today is now just 4 weeks until this thing that has been inside of me for 8 months makes a decision to come out! Okay so I have baby on the brain or bladder to be more truthful!

So all of you will have to bear with me while I blab about that for a jiffy!

He has turned head down so we aren't worrying about breach anymore. Also he has dropped so I really wasn't kidding about the bladder thing! If any of you have been around since the beginning of my blog existence then you might have read up on my problem with peeing! (Well holding my pee would be more exact!) So this 5 lb ish thing heavily weighing on my bladder is really getting to be a constant reminder that I have NO bladder control!

Okay so following is some fun things we have for Baby Hank!

Plus we have had fun decorating too! We tried to go with a decor that we wouldn't have to change for awhile!

This is our wall color with the border. When it's done it will have a vintage garage service station look...think American Graffiti movie or ole Route 66 Service Station!

This is all the crazy stuff we have collected so far and right now is piled in our breakfast nook. (UGH I just realized how un Rock n Roll me saying Breakfast nook is!!!)

Also these are all the baby blankets we have received as gifts! Man our friends and family ROCK!!!

And last but not least these are fun little binkies for the baby to show his true colors!!

You are now free to go back to your regularly schedule program!


Friday, March 23, 2007

Pics from St. Patty's!

My Homemade t-shirt for the day!

Shawn in his kilt for the holiday!

Kriss and Niece Caroline at Kellehers!

Steph (Sis in Law) Caroline and Will at parade.

Julie and Roxy at Lucky's... PS I didn't do Roxy's hair!

Gordo and Shane at Lucky's...

Super Vic, Shawn, Russ and Ward (Brother) at Tavern finishing off the night!

Fun on St Patty's!

7:45 am Okay so the day started at Kellehers for breakfast!
Yummy ! Had a virgin Bloody Mary! Roxy enjoyed the regular version!

Brother and family came down and Shawn made it down before he had to be at work!

11:00am Made our way to the corner of Main and Jefferson for the parade. Great times!

1:00pm Went to Tavern on the Water to eat my husbands Corned Beef....Way tooooo awesome!

3:00pm Back to Kellehers but it was WAAAAYYYY to crowded for this pregnant lady so we opted for Rhodells! Much better choice. Nothing like enjoying St. Patty's day at a bar owned by a Scottish lad!

5:30pm Went to Rizzi's on State for Corned Beef again with some friends!

7:30pm Off to Lucky's Bar and Grill to see friends brothers band play.

11:30pm Jim getting off work and met him at Tavern along with Brother and Sister in law and friends and stepson Shawn!

12:45am Drove drunk friends home!

Luck O the Y'know!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Rockin Dropkicks!

Alright so last weekend was my last hooray before the baby gets here! Off to Chicago for the Dropkick Murphy's show at the house of Blues! Okay so It was to be ME (Of Course) and Shawn (Stepson 17 yrs old) and my cousins son Nels (15 yrs old). Since they put an extra show on later that night they actually made ours earlier and it started at 6:30. So being the positive roll model of a parent that I am I took the kids out of school early so we could get there on time! I know I am going to win Mother of the Year!
So off we go and when we get to Metamora my cars starts acting up! So we drive back to Peoria to trade cars with my mom and an hour late we get going again. We are staying at the W hotel on LSD. Pretty nice place. But off to House of Blues. We get inside while the first band was playing.
Okay so the line up was to be Aggrolites, Sick of it All and then Dropkicks!
Well Lead singer for Sick of it All was out because of back problems so The Briggs started off the show and the Aggrolites went on second. Nothing really fun to report on the opening bands.
So I found a safe spot on the stairs with the banister protecting half of me and I could actually see over the pit. So told the guys to meet me downstairs after the concert.
Finally dropkicks came on and as planned they did not disappoint!
**Sang Forever &Good Rats! They usually don't play these songs!
** Commended us for being true fans who bought there tickets months ago before the movie Departed!
**Shawn got up on stage for the last song...Skinheads on the MTBA. Got to sing with Ken Casey!

**Being Pregnant at the show didn't allow me to get on stage for Spicy McHagggis Jig or Kiss Me I'm Shitfaced!

they never play my favorite song "Dirty Glass" because they have a guest singer named Stephanie Dougherty. Surprise she was there and they sang it!!! KICK ASS!!!

So we survived the trip and all is well!

Rock on!