Friday, May 19, 2006

The Big Giant Claw!

So Jim and Linda and Matt and I went to Great America Six Flags on Monday! Although the weather was a little shitty one was there...which ROCKED! No lines...lots of roller coaster ridin! Plus the guys got really into playing the games too! After the bumper cars we walked into this arcade and saw "the biggest claw game in the world"(say with funny voice)! You could fit 10 adults in this hopefully everyone knows what I am talking about...It's a big claw and you use the buttons to maneuver it to the prize you want to win and let it drop...hoping it will pick it up and carry it over to the bin and you get to take the prize home!
Well this game had large stuffed animals and very large dodgeball type balls with CUBS logo on it. Jim was hooked. He put in $5 for 3 tries. 1st try...he gets a ball...2nd try...he gets a ball...3rd try...denied! So now Jim has to walk around the park holding his 2 giant balls...So can you foresee what the day is going to hold for us...we became 12 year olds making jokes about Jim's balls...oh yes...all day "Look at how big Jim's balls are?" "Look Jim young boys are admiring your balls" "Jim's sitting over there with his balls hanging out" It went on ...and on...and on...
1 of the best was when Sylvester the Putty Tat came up and rubbed jim's balls...oh yes we said it...
"Look at the pussy rubbing Jim's balls!"
I promise to put up a pick when I get it so you can all visually see Jim's balls!

Battin' balls and taking names!

1 comment:

_ said...

HA HA...i laughed my ass off at this post! i can't believe sylvester did that! or the fact you ran into sylvester (he was always my favorite and i could NEVER find him when i went to six flags)

but you guys had some great fuel for balls jokes, i woulda done it too.

ps- it would a been funny if you were somewhere and that AC/DC big balls song came on.