Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Weekend at Bernies!

Okay so the weekend should of turned out so much better than it did but you just can't fool mother nature! Well we endured the freakin' pouring rain and cold sitting for over 2 hours in the bleachers at Wrigley Field before the sky cleared up and they actually played some ball...oh actually the Brewers came to play but the Cubs must of still had rain in their eyes. We lost miserably. Thankfully though we ended our night with a concert. My other favorite thing to do! We saw the Horrorpops at the Beat Kitchen. It's an itty bitty small joint. We went a bit early and had some great food and then went into the back where the concert was and The Briefs opened. they are definitely Londonesque Punk band with great songs and energy. The Horrorpops of course kicked ass...Patricia was so on and they are awesome live! The place was so small they didn't have a back stage so they had to come on stage through the crowd on the side. When it came time for them to take a break before coming back on for a couple more songs ...they couldn't leave the stage so they did this hilarious thing about acting like they were leaving the stage and turning the lights down and whispering to act like you don't see us...it was sooo funny. So it was a great Weekend at Bern...er I mean...in Chicago!

Thanks you and Goodnight!

1 comment:

_ said...

haha....that sounds like my kind of punk band!

that did suck we didn't make it to chicago sunday, but that just means we're more adamant to grab another weekend.