Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Na Na Na Na Na Na ....You say it's your...OH you know!

So today is my birthday! The crappy part is I have to work all day! I usually always take my birthday off of work but since I will be leaving for 10 day to go on 2 separate vacations tomorrow morning...I didn't think that would be a very good decision. I am wearing my 13 shirt in honor of my birthday today! It's the big 35! Half way to 70...over doubled 17...WOW it's a weird thing to look at your age and feel your age! I know at a certain point I am supposed to start acting my age but It hasn't happened yet! I do expect all my friends to start telling me if I become the scary older woman who thinks she is 19 and ends up on "What Not to Wear" with the scary Clinton and what's her name! Okay and I also can't believe I am up at 7am on my birthday too! But I had to get my hair done (The scary part is although I still do fun stuff with my hair...I HAVE TO color it now as the non pigmented ones keep growing in!!!) so the only time we could do it was this morning!

Happy Birthday to ME!


_ said...

alright! yet another gemini! happy b-day! (and early flag day!)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a blast for the next ten days. Party when you get home?