Friday, December 22, 2006

Holiday Ass Kickin'

Okay so the Holiday time is kicking my tired butt! With my job being in the hair Biz...I tend to get a bit swamped at this time. So I promise to start posting again as soon as I have a minute to breathe!

Anyone have anything fun for the New Year coming up? Is anyone lucky enough to get to go to the Bears game against the Packers on 12/31? See you in 007!
Gotta Go!

Here is a pic of Jim and I at the Jaycees Christmas Party...


Anonymous said...

I am in the hair biz too. were you slow this past weekend like we were? I was surprized until I heard the retailers werw slow too.


Kriss said...

Actually with my regulars I kept pretty swamped. I even worked Christmas Eve Day! I'm a sucker I know!