Monday, August 28, 2006

1 funny Thing!

Okay so I am not sure who has seen the movie...Clerks 2...But it was as good as the 1st. We laughed so freakin hard and I have to admit...I was skeptical about a Clerks follow up but I figured Kevin Smith would NOT even think about doing one unless he could deliver. Also it did take him 10 YEARS to do it so you gotta think..."He knows what he's doing!"
For any of you who haven't seen Clerks(The Original) then let me knock you upside the head for being completely out of it! Go get the DVD...Watch it ...Then come back and read this...WAIT then go to see CLERKS 2 and then continue reading this!
So there is a part in Clerks 2 where the newbie employee at Mooby's whos name is Elias, who I personally think is one of the funniest new characters I have ever seen in a movie. Well he is talking to a customer and they go into a hilarious skit about Lord of the Rings. Randal is, of course, making fun of them and I seriously almost wet my pants right in the movie theater. They kept using the saying from Lord of the Rings..."One Ring to Rule them All"...You have to freakin see it.
I will add that I did NOT see any of the Lord of the Rings movies. They are just not my thing. Not much of a SCI-FI girl...Sorry Britt! So this scene in the movie was even MORE side-splitting funny to me.
So a couple weeks later we are at Warped in Chicago and I am standing behind this girl in a tank top and she has written on the back...This is pretty normal as it seems to be the kinda in thing for "Those Darn Kids" to do nowadays. I read it and I actually almost fell over laughing and I think I actually tinkled myself...No wait I was so dehydrated because I had been standing in an oven for over 10 hours that I didn't have any pee to tinkle with...So had I been naturally hydrated I would of tinkled my pants.

So hopefully you can read this...This chick actually wrote it on her tank!

you gotta love a movie quote that goes Full Circle...Like a Ring Maybe...Oh No I didn't!

See you on the Dark Side!


_ said...

actually i HATE the LOTR movies (didn't much like the books either), i consider that more of the fantasy realm...although i can't truly say i like ALL sci fi

Kriss said...

good 'cause I wouldn't want to piss anyone off...hehehe.
You have aboutthe most eclectic taste like me. I hve friends who seriously can't figure out why I like 1 thing and not another. I say it keeps em on there toes!