Thursday, August 03, 2006

WTF Janelle!

Okay so Janelle USED to be my favorite Big Brother houseguest...but the way she has been playing this time in All-Star is pathetic!!!
She is all hanging in with Dr. (EVIL) Will and Bogie! Does she not know that they are liars!!! She has pissed off her BB6 alliance and is in big jeopardy with James after her...Which I might add James has become my favorite BB houseguest!
Who knows who they will kick off Erika or doesn't really matter since...Will and Bogie are still alive and kicking...which pisses me off to no end!
I wish I was Big Brother and I could control this game...Wow that even freaked me out a bit!

You are safe!


Anonymous said...

Hell has frozen over now that Danielle is HOH. She's the worst person that could have won. What's going on with Marcelus and Janelle? Weren't they all BFF a couple of weeks ago?

Kriss said...

What's with the whole Crud de ta thing? I think it's the CBS heads making sure the person they want to stay in doesn't get kicked out.

Anonymous said...

I agree that somehow James has snuck in as my new fav. Is Kaysar even alive this year? And Jenell needs to go home. Oh- and poor George needs to find a way to get off slop permanently.