Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ahoy Maties!!!

Okay so Wednesday Sept 19th is Speak like a pirate day! http://talklikeapirate.com/
So if you go to this fun website...http://www.froggynet.com/pirate.shtml
you can learn your pirate name! Thanks to A Knight in Dragonland http://knightindragonland.blogpeoria.com/ for the link.

Sorry it is too late and it takes way to much brain power to jot this whole post in ye ole pirate lingo so...DEAL WITH IT!!!

My Pirate name as a Married Women is:

Seaman Blue Stubble

with my maiden name:

Keeper Grace of the Scoundrel Heart

Jim's pirate name is:

Henry the Salty

Baby Hank's is:

Lackey Thieving Toe

But with his full moniker...Henry Francis Ward Cochran:

Kidd the Wicked

Shawn's pirate name is:

Treacher the Burly

Drink a pint of ye ole ale for me

1 comment:

_ said...

we just realized that at work last night, so there was a ton of "arrr"s going around. then i said "no, it's tomorrow calm down"

anyways, my name as with brittany is "elizabeth the honest"


but using "britt" it's "Grace Silver Stubble"

wait, does that mean i have facial hair??