Thursday, September 13, 2007

This and That!!!


Okay so this back and forth thing is sooo nerve lose to Houston the other night in extras after having men in scoring position for like 4 innings in a row!!! ARGGGH! ( Please add your own pirate sound...that's for you Britt!)

Still tied with the Brewers and going back and forth!!! At least St. Louis is pretty much on their way out!


It's down to the final 3...Dick and Danielle and Zach...This year was pretty boring this year...even with Evil Dick!...I did think the romance between Eric and Jessica was sweet...I hope it goes way past a showmance!!! But at this point I hope that Zach wins this thing because D&D kinda just through me off!


New CD is coming out but as of yet NOOOO scheduled concert anywhere close to us!!!
What is up with that!!!


Had LT's bachelorette party last weekend and it was soooo fun...I was the DD and drove my brothers conversion van (Nicknames...The White Hot Lovah!!!) Finally got home at about 4 am and had a raccoon chase me into my joke!!!


I have been volunteering my SKILLZ for The Sound of Music at Peoria Players. The cast is amazing. It is still playing this weekend if you want to go see it. I am taking my niece on Saturday!


Haven't been myself lately but Jim and Shawn went to Hinder, Buckcherry n Papa Roach. They are also going to ZZ Top this weekend.


Big plans to go to Six Flags on Monday. I LOVE Rollercoasters!!!! Plus Jim calls me the Amusement Park NAZI. Mainly because I control all of our actions at the park. Where when and how we navigate the park is solely up to me! Jim can have a map of his own but we do not use it!
Guess What? Six Flags is only open on weekends now!!!
So Roxy and I might try going next Sunday...OH Well!

I'll Post some pics soon!!!

BUH BYE Tweety Head!

1 comment:

Trudi said...

Oh my - another BB fan! I wish I would have had someone to talk to about it. None of my friends understand the obsession. :( I was pissed that D&D made it to the final two, but I have to say that I am thrilled that Dick won over Danielle. I think that she was a little brat. Did you ever check out the BB8 blog site? It truly was the best one out there that kept me update with the happenings. I highly recommend it for next year.

As for rollercoasters - have you ever been to Cedar Point? If you have not - being a rollercoaster NAZI - it is mandatory that you check it out next year. It is well worth the drive! It is so good that you will never view Six Flags as a god amusement park again. Maybe I should not have given you a heads up :).