Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pretty Place...Crappy Energy!

So Hank and I went to St. Louis this past weekend. The Cardinals were playing the Atlanta Braves. We were invited along with my parents to come to the game from a family friend who plays for Atlanta. He is originally from Hawaii and his dad and my dad were best friends showing up so he feels like he gets to see family when my dad can make it to the game. Sorry for the long explanation but I wanted to explain that we were only watching the cardinals game because:
1~ We were invited by the BRAVES
2~ The tickets were free
3~ Rooting for the Braves to win could only help the Cubs!

Unfortunately the Cardinals won...BOO HOO!

BTW ---The Cubs are still in 1st...I know it's not September yet!
Okay so we go to the game and we have amazing seats! The new Busch Stadium is gorgeous!!! It has soft cushy seats ...tons of really is a great stadium.

BUT...and this is a big BUT...

The fans of the St. Louis Cardinals have no energy when they are cheering on their team.

Now they are the reigning World Champion's and no one can seem to muster enough energy to stand up and cheer let alone even have enough energy to put 2 hands together to clap.
I realize it could be because they are too busy eating their funnel cake or balancing they fruffy drink and I understand with the cushy seats you might not want to get your over indulged ass out of it to show a little support for your team. Here is a team who at 1 point was 8 plus games out and then clawed their way up to close to 1st and you can't even help them win with a bit of crowd energy.
Let's just say in some far off fantasy world the Cubs win the world series...It could happen...I would feel as if I shared in the trophy because my energy and loyalty helped them win.
The St. Louis Cardinals organization own the 2006 World Series trophy. I don't feel they need to give any props or share it with their fans because they don't deserve it!

I am soooo happy I married a Cubs fan and not a Cardinals fan!



_ said...

actually some of my first games were cardinal games (my family used to vacation in st. louis - jut cause it was easier to navigate than chicago- and attend a cardinal game and go for the other team), and i remember ozzie smith screwing up in the outfield (poor guy, i always liked him) and the fans BOOing him. and i asked my dad, "why would they BOO him?" his response? "cause cardinal fans are assholes" ha ha.

thats the great thing about cub fans, we aren't used to this stuff, so winning a game = the wrold series to us. can you imagine if we won the world series?

Anonymous said...

Yes, you were smart to marry a Cubs fan. My DH isn't a Cardinal fan (luckily, that would have been a deal breaker) but doesn't seem to have a favorite pro-baseball team (despite being a huge sports fan). He's all Ohio State all the time.